A junior at Harrisburg Academy, Jaclyn Tsimmerman is a third year Global Scholar. She enjoys volunteering around the community and attending local theatre performances and international events. At school, she is an editor for The Insider, the school newspaper and
for the yearbook, The Spectator.
Jacklyn also is an executive officer of the Student Alumni Network.
She participates in Quiz Bowl, Drama Club, the Literary Center, and Amnesty International Club each year.
Jaclyn stated FLASH, a photography club, and enjoys exploring her
artistic talents. She has played socced for 10 years and is a
member of the Academy's Varsity team. An avid reader, movie buff, photographer, filmmaker, athlete, pluviophile, lover of fashion, and much more, she believes it is crucial for society, especially young people, to be internationally aware now more than ever.
She thanks the World Affairs of Harrisburg for furthering her
passions in international affairs, traveling, meeting new people, and encouraging her to compete in Model UN and Academic WorldQuest each year.
Meet Jaclyn Tsimmerman