Global Scholars Digital March 2016 | Page 10

February twenty-sixth, 2012

Trayvon Martin took a bullet to the chest

For some candy

And the kindling was laid.

August ninth, 2014

Mike Brown was shot at twelve times

With his hands up in surrender

And we ignited the flame.

Justice began to burn in the heart of America

A closer eye being turned onto the police

And civil unrest began to erupt

Voices, crying out for freedom

July seventeenth, 2014

Eric Garner is suffocated in a chokehold that is prohibited by the NYPD

They denied the use of a chokehold, even when it was caught on video

All while he said out loud “I can’t breathe!”

July tenth, 2015

Sandra Bland is pulled over for a minor traffic violation

And found hanged three days later

In a cell without anything to hang with.

Why am I safe from police violence?

Why will I never have to be afraid that I will be arrested

For walking on the street at night?

It’s an easy answer, to an easy question.

I’m white

And will never have to worry

The way my black classmates do

About being killed

Because of my skin

In the bold, brave, and free

United States of Amerikkka.

Injustice Sees in Color


