Global Rugby Magazine Issue #5 | Page 9

THREE: DISCUSS THE TRAINING PLAN! Before kicking straight into your training session without describing what and why we are training, take just a few minutes to conduct a discussion. Ask for some feedback on the weekend’s match in terms of positives and negatives then elaborate on the plan for tonight. Give your feedback, chat about what we need to do this week to fix the mistakes made from the previous weekend, and how that relates to this training session right now. You should set the expectations, get the captain or leadership group in your side to positively re-enforce, describe what activities your training session will hold – why and what they aim to achieve, explain how it will work to improve our performance and give a demonstration. To elaborate on how to do this, read this article named 5 Ways to Build a Rugby Skill. You will find this technique assists your time management hugely in that expectations are set and we have a specific time ConClusion In conclusion, time management is a Coaching Attribute we need to consistently work on to better achieve what we set out to do. Starting at the Off Season following the finals is an excellent place to start. Clearly outline what you want to achieve for the next season and allocate times for coaching of specific skills, unit skills and team patters. By discussing the previous weekend’s match results and outcomes, it makes it much easier to explain the plan for a training session, why you will be working on those areas and how these drills and scenarios will help you fix the problems you identified from the weekend. And finally, being organised and keeping to allocated timings helps relieve stress and paints you in a positive light as a Rugby Coach has got his head on straight. As always, if you have any other simple or genius time management tips, please share them with our community of rugby coaches for mutual benefit in the comments section below or share to the various social media networks. To learn FOUR: KEEP TO ALLOCATED TIMINGS This is a really important one. Building from the above point, it is crucial for your time management that you keep to the allocated time for a drill, game, discussion or skill scenario. Avoid the mentality of thinking it is fine to run over by a couple of minutes here and there. All this does is impacts the amount of time you have allocated for other areas that you need to work on, which ultimately stresses you out because you don’t have enough time to coach those other important areas you had planned to. It is vital you keep to timings to benefit your time management as this allows you to stick to your plan, follow through on the training plan you discussed with your group at the start of training and helps to achieve all the key learning outcomes.