Dispute Resolution
• Developer of renewables projects — numerous force majeure issues arising under PPAs and EPC Contracts in relation to wind and solar projects in Jordan and Egypt
• Developer of solar project — disputes relating to delays and liquidated damages for the construction of four solar projects in the Middle East
• Developer of solar project — ICC arbitration against an EPC Contractor relating to delays in the construction of a solar project in Latin America
• Developers of a waste to energy project — English High Court litigation arising from a dispute following the sale of the project in which breaches of warranty were alleged concerning the construction , commissioning and operation of the project and impacts on the offtake agreement
• Direct Energy — suit against entities owning four large-scale wind farms regarding complex claims focusing on the real-time Texas electricity trading market and the use of tax credits during forced curtailments of production of electricity at the wind farms
• GDF Suez ( now ENGIE ) — obtained complete dismissal of claims against GDF Suez alleging that it used its bidding strategy in the Texas retail and commercial energy markets to manipulate the United States electricity futures market
• Investor in renewable energy — English High Court proceedings concerning a payment dispute arising from the share sale of a company that owns and operates a biomass plant
• Investors in solar installations and onshore wind farms — application of and challenges to the changes to the subsidies available in the UK to solar PV installations and onshore wind farms
• Manufacturer of photovoltaic wafers — advising on a dispute arising out of a failure to supply silicon under supply contracts
• Multi-national renewable energy developer — litigation concerning initial authorization from US Government to develop off-shore wind farm
• PPL Montana — Arbitration relating to sales price of the Kerr hydroelectric dam in Montana in sale to Confederated Salish and Kotooni Tribes ( CSKT ). The dam was constructed in the 1930s on tribal land ; the CSKT obtained an eventual option to purchase the dam . The two-week arbitration resolved unprecedented questions of valuation involving the impact of historic investments and environmental remediation efforts to the purchase price .
• Renewables developer — challenges through litigation in the national courts and potential investment treaty claims arising from the refusal to grant permission for a proposed offshore wind farm to be constructed after a licence had been granted by the host government
• Renewables developer on challenges through litigation — national courts and potential investment treaty claims arising from the refusal to grant permission for a proposed offshore wind farm to be constructed after a licence had been granted by the host government bracewell . com