Global Relations 1 | Page 82

Black lives Matter is a movement which is also known as ‘do not shoot us’. It all began in Russia. And had made accounts and posted misleading ads on Facebook and Google. There’s been over 3,000 advertisements and links to pages created by Russian trolls all together from June 2015 to May 2017, with $100,000 invested in them. The ads were made to target the 2016 election, by seeing how each presidential candidate would deal with issues and the riots. These were also used to try to stop police brutality, and racism.

Russian trolls had set up multiple fake accounts on social media, while using them to broadcast the incidents and to start riots. These were used to manipulate voters in the election of 2016.

The riots started once the killing of Michael brown was documented greatly with camera phones. Once people started seeing them they felt the need to make it known that black lives matter, and that there is white privilege and police officers are killing innocent African Americans just because of their race or false accusations.

The riots spread in major cities such as, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, and Ferguson.

The riots spread in major cities such as, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, and Ferguson.

Works Cited HERE

Russian Influence Sparks a Movement