The Paris climate agreement was made in December of 2015. According the the European Commission, “The agreement sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 20Celsius."
To stay:
• “Gary Cohn advocated for remaining in the pact while reducing the United States’ commitments to reducing the carbon emissions” (CNN Politics).
• Without the agreement, we would suffer the loss of 3 million jobs from the renewable energy industry.
• China invested more than double into renewable energy than the U.S. so they will overtake us on clean energy markets.
• We would no longer be in control of decisions involving trade, property, and money.
• It affects the world because of our leadership and power.
To leave:
•It could hurt our economy, and we could lose allies.
•Trump believes it will cost 2.7 million American jobs by 2025.
•It cost the U.S. three trillion dollars.
•Households in America would make $7,000 less income.
•We have to pay billions to the Green Climate Fund when other countries pay nothing.
•Withdrawing means the U.S. does not have to pay that.
The Paris Climate Accords
Written by Shay Sargent
Donald Trump recently concluded he wanted to pull the U.S. out of the agreement. Here is why we should stay in the agreement or leave it.