In 1993, only 1 percent of all information was available over the internet, but in 2000, that increased to over 50 percent. By 2007 over 97 percent of information was sent over the internet. Cyberspace became reality with “broadband signals, wireless networks, local networks in schools and businesses, and heavy use of the power grid to support millions of computers, tablets, and cell phones.”
Criminals took note. Cybercriminals are criminals that can block signals and steal valuable inform from the internet. Major countries in the world are joining forces to stop cybercriminals. Hackers may also target citizens as they search for social security numbers and other valuable information. “In 2005 hackers breached the University of California, Berkeley computer system and stole the social security numbers of 97,000 students.”
This issue continued to grow. “In 2009, President Barack Obama named cybersecurity as a serious economic and national security challenge and ordered a review of government efforts to defend US information and communications system.” After a company is hacked, it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix everything that a hacker can do. U.S. cybersecurity’s goal is to provide an organized response to future cyberthreats and provide public and private security.
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