Global Quantum Dots Market in Solid State Lighting, Solar Cells and D Global Quantum Dots Market in Solid State Lighting | Page 9

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Quantum Dots are nanocrystals made from semiconductor materials which are unique material slowly penetrating different fields in optoelectronic and photovoltaics. The global quantum dots market is expected to increase from just around $235m in 2013 to around $2.85bn by 2018. Quantum dots have an inverse relation with respect to their size and band gap and this result in their key optical property of change in color. As the dot size decreases, the color of light emitted changes from red to blue. Quantum dots though commercialized in almost areas but the products are yet to be released in the market due to the high costs and mass production limitations. This is slowly expected to change and QD based products are expected to reach the market soon. The Quantum Dots equipment and services market is slated to grow at 64.7% CAGR for the next five years. The market is estimated to reach $2.85bn by 2018. TABLE :4 Global Quantum Dots Market Revenue, 2013 – 2018 ($M) Region 2013 2015 2017 2018 CAGR (%) North America APAC Europe (Includes Russia) Middle East xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 2013-2018 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Others xx xx xx xx xx 235 637.6 xx 2,850 64.7% Total Source: IndustryARC Analysis The demand for Quantum Dots applications are growing at a very fast pace across the globe. The Global Quantum Dots market is also witnessing increasing applications in biology and Displays. The market however is going face a challenge due to high cost with 5grams costing almost $200. Solid State Lighting is expected to be the major market occupying almost 70% of the market by 2020. IndustryARC | 9