Global Non Invasive Prenatal Testing Market Survey 2017-2023 Global NIPT Market | Page 7

Figure 6 Assumptions and Limitations CURRENCY CONVERSION • The base currency considered for this study is U.S. $ • In the Company Profiles section, for the companies having revenues in any other currencies, is converted in to U.S. $ • The currencies other than U.S. $ are converted to U.S. $ for all statistical calculations considering the average conversion rate for the particular year • The currency conversion rate is taken from historical exchange rate of Oanda website AVERAGE SELLING PRICE (ASP) • The ASP is calculated for the year 2015 & 2016 and the currency considered is U.S. $ • For calculating the ASP of the market products, the weighted average of the list price of products has been considered LIMITATIONS • Technologies currently used are expected to persist through the forecast with no major breakthrough in technology • The economic downturn in future was not taken under consideration for market estimation and forecast ASSUMPTION FOR MARKET ESTIMATION • The base year considered for the calculation of market size was 2015. Instances where the market size for the FY 2015 were not available from primary or secondary sources, at such instances the values were estimated based on the Delphi method. • The historical year analysis was done from the FY 2010 to FY 2014 and the market size was estimated for the FY 2016 and projected from the year 2016 to 2023 BIS Research Analysis  [email protected] 7