Global Lighting Market Growth Prospects Overview for 2017-2021 May 2017 | Page 2

Table of Contents of the Report PART 01: Executive summary PART 02: Scope of the report PART 03: Research Methodology PART 04: Introduction Key market highlights PART 05: Market landscape Market overview Market size and forecast Five forces analysis PART 08: Geographical segmentation Global lighting market by geography Americas APAC EMEA PART 09: Market drivers LED continues to be the future of lighting Increase in sales of vehicles driving the demand for automotive lights LED lighting in various unique and specialty applications PART 10: Impact of drivers PART 11: Market challenges Replacement market affected by LED Dynamic reshuffling of business activities to achieve operational efficiency Rapid changes and extensive requirements in LED lighting technology PART 12: Impact of drivers and challenges PART 13: Market trends Connected lighting for homes and offices, giving way to new opportunities Increase in the demand for energy-efficient lighting options like solar lighting Laser lights — a developing headlight technology Ensuring safety options is an added requirement in automotive lights today PART 14: Vendor landscape Competitive scenario Other prominent vendors