Global Ilk Magazine Issue #1 || Holi | Page 21

HOO LI Global Ilk decided to celebrate Holi in Pushkar, India. Pushkar is in the state of Rajasthan in Northern India and is one of Indias’ holy cities and it is built around the Holy Pushkar lake. We chose Pushkar based on our research and some friends’ suggestions. It was on point. The shanti town is one of community; no alcohol, and no meat. Doesn’t get much holier than that right? In Pushkar, not much happens outside of the festivals. But the town creates a level of comfort which makes it a difficult place to depart, so much so that we stayed for an extra four days. In Pushkar, Holi is celebrated from 8:00 in the morning until around 5:00 in the afternoon. These people celebrate hard and long with trance music, dancing and so much colored powder. We are happy to say that in Pushkar very few people were throwing water balloons or water buckets, so you’re safe there. People from all around north India come to Pushkar to celebrate Holi. As they should, it's absolutely mental. It's a safe place to celebrate and no one in our group had any issues. Bhang is plentiful if that is something you are into but over all Holi in this magnificent city was a sight to see so we will let our photos do the talking. 21