happiness, absolutely amazing.
I felt like a little kid again because everyone
just went insane! This should be celebrated
I want to celebrate Holi every year for the rest
of my life. It was that awesome. Holi is a perfect
The powdered color is obviously the
time to get together with friends and throw color best part of the festival. Because there is a
everywhere whilst dancing and having a good
drought in Pune, we only used powdered
color in an effort to conserve water. I am not
I am an American who, as of recent, is
sure how they make the powder but it is so
living in Pune, India (one of the largest cities in
fun and really all we needed to have a day
Central India). March, 2016 was the first time I
full of joyful insanity. We would throw it up
celebrated Holi and as mentioned before I want
in the air and dance beneath it, as well as
to do it yearly for all eternity. I celebrated with a
smear it on each others faces while saying;
group of friends, both Indian and non-Indian, all "Ha