Global Health Asia-Pacific September 2022 September 2022 | Page 78


Managing diabetes can be challenging for both patients and caregivers . A person ’ s daily routine could change overnight with diabetes , and self-management and support can be overwhelming without proper guidance and care .
To help cope , Diabetes Education can play an important role in the overall treatment and management of a patient affected by the disease . Basics such as a healthy diet , regular exercise , monitoring of blood glucose levels , medications , and how to reduce the risk of complications are all crucial to patients and will all be provided as part of a patient ’ s journey to managing diabetes at Island Hospital . Managing diabetes could well prevent a patient from being hospitalised unnecessarily , and the hospital ’ s invaluable Diabetes Education has resulted in significant improved patient outcomes .
Working with a multi-disciplinary team , our approach towards diabetes care at Island Hospital is that we manage patients from end to end — not only through the patient ’ s primary physician , but also across specialties where the patient may need care . With a complete team of Cardiologists , Nephrologists , Ophthalmologists , Surgeons , and Dietitians , diabetes care at Island Hospital is comprehensive .
Over the two-year pandemic period , diabetic patients were kept connected and informed of their treatment and care even when lockdown measures were implemented . Tele-consultations
Dr Ravi Shrestha & Adeline Goh
were readily available for existing patients to consult with their doctors while regular virtual and live talks were conducted to keep patients abreast of technologies and treatment options . Driving awareness has in return improved patient treatment outcomes and care as patients are now making their own informed decisions and taking charge of their treatment plans .
The hospital is also actively involved in celebrating the annual World Diabetes Day on a significant scale . During the week-long celebration in November , public forums and talks are organised for the community alongside activities that create awareness about the disease , its management , and treatment . For healthcare providers , the hospital organises workshops for both nurses and doctors to enable integration between these groups of healthcare providers and to identify areas for improvement in diabetes management and care .
76 SEPTEMBER 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com