Global Health Asia-Pacific September 2022 September 2022 | Page 18

Holistic Health

The health benefits of seeds

They are full of essential nutrients that can help fight off diseases

Seeds are not only tasty and ready-made snacks , but they ’ re also packed with important nutrients that can make diets much healthier .

“ Seeds are good sources of plant-based , healthy fats , fiber and minerals , � said registered dietitian �ate Patton on the website of the Cleveland Clinic .
For instance , they ’ re rich in calcium , which is important to keep strong bones , magnesium , a mineral that facilitates bowel and brain health , and phosphorus , a substance that plays an important role in cell repairment and waste filtering .
Some of the healthiest types of seeds include �axseeds , chia seeds , and pumpkin seeds , as well as sun�ower , hemp , and sesame seeds .
Flaxseeds are a particularly good source of lignans , compounds that have been associated with a lowered risk of heart disease , menopausal symptoms , osteoporosis , and breast cancer .
��ignans are a polyphenol , which is a type of antioxidant . While lignans are in other plant sources , �axseed contains �� to �00 times more lignans than other plant foods ,” said Patton .
�ike most seeds , �ax also contains a lot of fibres , or essential nutrients that facilitate bowel movements , prevent constipation , and improve colorectal health while cutting the risk of haemorrhoids and diverticulitis . Fibres can also lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood , thus decreasing the risk of developing heart disease .
Another good reason to eat seeds is their healthy fat content , particularly unsaturated fats which are the good kind that improves blood cholesterol levels , eases in�ammation , and helps stabilise heart rhythm . Chia seeds , for example , are a good source of omega-3 , a type of unsaturated fat that can ’ t be made by the body , so it needs to come from foods .
Strengthened immunity is another benefit associated with eating seeds as they can boost compounds that contribute to immune functions such as selenium and zinc .
The former is “ vital for producing new immune cells and can help to strengthen response to infection ,” Sarah Stanner , Science Director at the British Nutrition �oundation , told the BBC , while the latter �helps produce new immune cells … develops ‘ natural killer cells ’ that help to fight off viruses��and� supports communication between immune cells .” And similar immune benefits are also provided by other substances found in seeds like copper , vitamin B9 , and vitamin B6 .
Sun�ower seeds , in particular , contain lots of antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium . “ Antioxidants help reduce free radicals in your body . Free radicals are harmful chemicals that can increase our risk of diabetes , heart disease and some types of cancer ,” said Patton .
�or all their benefits , however , seeds aren ’ t a good option if you have diverticulitis , or small bulges in the intestine , as eating them could irritate the condition due to their high fibre content , explained Patton .
Regardless of any health problems , another good advice is to avoid eating them in large quantities .
“ They may be small , but they ’ re calorie-dense , too . A little bit each day is enough to reap the benefits � or else those calories will add up .”
Some of the healthiest types of seeds include flaxseeds , chia seeds , and pumpkin seeds , as well as sunflower , hemp , and sesame seeds .
16 SEPTEMBER 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com