Global Health Asia-Pacific October 2021 | Page 72


Age-related macular degeneration in a nutshell

Dr Claudine Pang gives the low-down on the eye condition is currently no cure , but steps can be taken to slow its progression and prevent blindness , including cessation of smoking and dietary supplementation with lutein and zeaxanthin , which are retinal pigments .
Wet age-related macular degeneration occurs when fluid or bleeding from abnormal blood vessels under the macula occur . It ’ s less common , and vision loss can be rapid and severe . If detected early , treatment with appropriate eye medications may prevent blindness . If discovered too late , bleeding beneath the retina leaves permanent scarring of the macula with irreversible visual loss .
Dry AMD can eventually convert into wet AMD with time . The goal , therefore , is to detect dry AMD early and prevent it from converting to the wet form .
What is age-related macular degeneration ( AMD )? It ’ s an age-related eye disease that causes central vision loss , more commonly in people over 50 .
Why does AMD occur ? Degenerative changes due to ageing can occur in the macula , which is the central portion of the retina located on the inside , innermost layer of the eye . This results in loss of central vision and usually occurs in both eyes , although it may affect the eyes asymmetrically .
Who is at risk of AMD ?
• Age — those over 50 are more at risk
• Smokers – cigarette smoke increases the risk by two to four times
• Race – Caucasians tend to be at higher risk
• Genetics – those with a family member with AMD
• Systemic health problems including hypertension and high cholesterol
• Excessive UV exposure
• Low dietary antioxidants intake
What are the symptoms of AMD ? 1 . Blurring of central vision 2 . Wavy lines ( metamorphopsia ) 3 . Floaters ( could signify bleeding )
How many types of AMD are there ? There are two main types – dry and wet .
Dry age-related macular degeneration is more common and occurs when degenerative material accumulates as drusen ( yellow deposits ) in the macular , and eventually the macular tissue becomes atrophic , or decreases in size , and stops working effectively . Dry AMD usually progresses slowly . There
How to prevent AMD ? 1 . Avoid smoking 2 . Exercise regularly 3 . Maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels 4 . Eat a healthy diet rich in green , leafy vegetables and fish 5 . Get regular eye checks once a year 6 . Protect your eyes from excessive UV exposure from sunlight
Treatment for AMD Treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration includes simple lifestyle changes and regular monitoring for the disease to slow the progression from turning into the wet form . Cessation of smoking will definitely help . Patients can take supplements high in lutein and zeaxanthin to further enhance the level of antioxidants in the eye if their dietary intake of vitamins and minerals is low .
The treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration should be customised by your retinal eye doctor and aimed at stopping the leakage of blood and fluid for as long as possible . Your doctor may give injections , laser , or a combination of both treatments depending on your eye condition .
Do I have age-related macular degeneration ? Sometimes in early disease , there ’ s little to no symptoms . So it ’ s best to have an eye exam by a retinal specialist who will be able to scan your eye with an optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) machine . This will be able to show almost microscopic details of the retina and can detect early changes of dry age-related macular degeneration . At Asia Retina , we use the OCT machine with the highest resolution quality in order to offer the best diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for our patients . If you ’ re keen for an eye assessment , contact our team in Singapore at 6732 0007 or 9118 0007 for an appointment today .
Dr Claudine Pang is an eye specialist based in Singapore .
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