Global Health Asia-Pacific March 2022 March 2022 | Page 39


Faecal Microbiota Transplantation ( Stool Transplantation )

“ The concept is that we hope to repopulate the good bacteria in the gut and chase away the nasty one that has been causing problems to the human host .”
Dr Alex Leow Hwong Ruey Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

The history of using the stool ( shit or faeces in a more polite manner ) of healthy individual to treat human diseases can be date back to the fourth century in China during 東晉 ( Dong Jin ) Dynasty ( AD 300 – 400 years . 葛洪 ( Ge Hong ) who composed the emergency medicine book 肘后备急方 ( Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang ), described the details of using fecal suspension for serious disorders , including food poisoning , “ Wen Bing ” ( febrile disease ) and “ Shang Han ” ( typhoid fever ).

This concept has recently gained a lot of attention and has been termed as Faecal Microbiota Transplantation ( FMT ). FMT is a breakthrough not in technological or theoretical research but in medical recognition and more importantly , acceptance by patients as a treatment option . FMT has been shown to be effective in treating patients with refractory clostridium difficile infection ( CDI ) of the bowel . FMT is highly effective compared to vancomycin in resolving recurrent and refractory CDI . Clinical resolution across all studies was 92 % ( 95 % CI 89 % -94%).
Today , we treated first patient with FMT in our hospital . FMT involved transplantation of microbiota ( a group of good bacteria ) into human gut . The concept is that we hope to repopulate the good bacteria in the gut and chase away the nasty one that has been causing problems to the human host . The stool that contains good bacteria is transplanted via colonoscopy into the terminal ileum ( the end of the small bowel ). We hope that this treatment will help more patients in the future .
Hospital Contact Details : Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur 8 , Jalan Bukit Pantai 59100 Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia Tel : + 603 2296 0888 ( General Line ) Tel : + 603 2296 0706 ( International Patient Centre ) Website : www . pantai . com . my / kuala-lumpur Email : my . phkl . ipc @ pantai . com . my my . phkl @ pantai . com . my
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com MARCH 2022