Global Health Asia-Pacific August 2021 August 2021(clone) | Page 44


Malaysia gets serious about global effort to eradicate hepatitis

Authorities committed to lengthy and expensive battle to find patients and cure infections

Five years after the World Health Organization ( WHO ) announced its goal to eliminate hepatitis worldwide by 2030 , many countries are on the road to making this a reality .

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver tissue most commonly caused by a viral infection . It presents a significant global public health challenge , with over 354 million people living with chronic hepatitis and more than one million deaths annually , according to the WHO .
The virus has five main strains , with types � and C , in particular , leading to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people . Together , they are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis , liver cancer , and viral hepatitis-related deaths .
Viral hepatitis is the seventh leading cause of mortality worldwide and is the only communicable disease where mortality is increasing . For most patients , testing and treatment remain beyond reach .
According to Lindsey Hiebert , associate director of the Coalition for �lobal Hepatitis Elimination , a programme of the Task Force for �lobal Health , an American N�O that focuses on eliminating disease and protecting populations , now is a “ very exciting time to be working in hepatitis elimination ,” with barriers continuing to fall , especially around access to treatment and its cost .
�In the past five years , the world has made a lot of progress . For example , since the WHO announced its target , about 10 percent of people living with hepatitis C virus have been treated to date , but there ’ s still a long way to go ,” she told Global Health Asia-Pacific�
This is echoed by the WHO , who said in a statement : “ While progress has been made in the hepatitis response , there is still a long way to go .
“ In far too many countries , priority interventions remain inaccessible to the populations most severely affected or at higher risk . The COVID-19 pandemic
42 AUGUST 2021 GlobalHealthAndTravel . com