Global Gazette Volume 4 Issue 1 | Page 10


Innovative Learning !


International Day of Yoga

International Yoga Day on June 21st was celebrated by organizing a yoga session under the tutelage of renowned yoga trainer Ms . Sonal Joshi . 1600 students as well as members of the faculty converged in the Auditorium and radiated positivity as they went through different yoga poses . The benefits of yoga in tackling maladies such as learning disorders and other alarming ailments were discussed in the session .

“ What next ?”

A Career Guidance workshop was organized by One Step Up in August , for Senior School . The workshop covered modules on various diverse career options , ranging from Aeronautical Engineering to Modelling and beyond . Videos starring real people engaged in those careers provided a clearer inside perspective into the pros and cons of each career . Various application processes for colleges within and outside India were discussed and the students were enlightened on how to put together a comprehensive CV .

Celebrating Chingam Onnu !

The first day of ‘ chingam ’ is of great significance to the farmers and represents liveliness and prosperity after the rains . Members of the Nature Club celebrated the day by planting seedlings to commemorate the beginning of the New Year according to the Malayalam calendar . The Agriculture Department of Thiruvaniyoor , felicitated our Nature Club for their laudable effort in inspiring love for the environment .
Global Gazette