The Cards and Payments Industry in Italy Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2021 is a 100 pages report includes 15 Companies and 16 Tables and Figures that analyse Top key players - Order report by calling ReportsnReports . com at + 1 888 391 5441 OR send an email on sales @ reportsandreports . com with Cards and Payments Industry in subject line and your contact details .
' The Cards and Payments Industry in Italy : Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2021 ' report provides detailed analysis of market trends in the Italian cards and payments industry . It provides values and volumes for a number of key performance indicators in the industry , including direct debits , check payments , payment cards , cash transactions and credit transfers during the review period ( 2012-2016 ).
The Cards and Payments Market report also analyses various payment card markets operating in the industry , and provides detailed information on the number of cards in circulation , and transaction values and volumes during the review period and over the forecast period ( 2017-2021 ). It also offers information on the country ' s competitive landscape , including the market shares of issuers and schemes .
The report covers details of regulatory policy and recent changes in the regulatory structure , and provides top-level market analysis , information and insights into the Italian cards and payments industry , including –
- Current and forecast values for each market in the Italian cards and payments industry , including debit , credit and charge cards . - Detailed insights into payment instruments including direct debit , credit transfers , cash transactions , checks and payment cards . It also , includes an overview of the country ' s key alternative payment instruments . - E-commerce market analysis . - Analysis of various market drivers and regulations governing the Italian cards and payments industry . - Detailed analysis of strategies adopted by banks and other institutions to market debit , credit and charge cards . - Comprehensive analysis of consumer attitudes and buying preferences for cards . - The competitive landscape in the Italian cards and payments industry .
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Scope of the Report :
- This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Italian cards and payments industry . - It provides current values for the Italian cards and payments industry for 2016 , and forecast figures to 2021 . - It details the different demographic , economic , infrastructural and business drivers affecting the Italian cards and payments industry .