17 . Inolex 18 . Israel Chemicals Ltd ( ICL ) 19 . Jiangsu ENTC Nuclear Technology joint stock Co . Ltd . 20 . JJI Technologies Painsville , OH 21 . Lanxess ic Corporation 22 . Mags Novel 23 . Nantong luolai chemical fibre co . ltd . 24 . Niknam chemicals pvt . Ltd . 25 . Pyrotech Addison 26 . Rheinchemie Additives 27 . Runyuan 28 . Signum 29 . TCI Chemicals pvt . Ltd . 30 . Turning Star , Inc . Leonia NJ This Occams Research Report covers 1 . Historical data 2 . Revenue forecasts , growth rates and CAGR up to 2021 3 . Industry Analysis 4 . Competitive Analysis 5 . Key geographic growth data Browse For Full Report : http :// www . acutemarketreports . com / report / globalflame-retardant-chemical-market-by-country-united-states-canada-indiachina-japan-united-kingdom-company-profiles-share-trends-analysisopportunities-segmentation-and-forecast-2015-2021 1 . Introduction 1.1 Executive Summary 1.2 Estimation methodology