Global Discovery 2017 1 | Page 16

Dragon Explorer

Enter the Dragon , visit China !

Dragon Explorer Dragon Explorer is operated by an experienced and enthusiastic team directed by the Henan Tourism Group .
Henan Tourism Group Company Limited , abbreviated to HTC , established in 1988 , is a member of IATA , PATA , one of the Executive Directors of CATS ( China Association of Travel Service ), and a founding member of Global Discovery . HTC has its head office in Zhengzhou , the capital of Henan province ; and it has a branch company in Beijing , the capital of China .
Thanks to its qualified service and sound development , the group has been listed among the Top 100 International Travel Services in China since 1992 . It has 12 sub-companies at present . HTC has a friendly and efficient network in China and mainly engages in inbound tours , outbound tours , domestic tours and chartered fl ights .
HTC is bold in marketing and human resources . Our aim is to be a strong international travel company . Hospitality , Trust and Cooperation are our core beliefs .
Dragon Explorer focuses on the inbound tourism market to help travellers all over China . Our group of experienced liaison and sales representatives , dedicated tour operators , qualified tour guides and tour leaders are highly appreciated by both clients and tourists .
Our strength is offering good tours at very competitive rates . Our aim is to offer total satisfaction to our customers . Come and visit China ! Dragon Explorer is always ready for you !
Dragon Explorer covers China
Dragon Explorer Henan Tourism Group Co . Ltd .
288 Chengdong Road , Zhengzhou , Henan 45003 , China Tel : (+ 86 ) -371-65961431 / 68262770
Fax : (+ 86 ) -371-68262777 Email : info @ joychinatravel . com
Zhengzhou City Tel : (+ 86 ) -371-68262818 Beijing City Tel : (+ 86 ) -10-68368407