Global Custodian Clearing and Settlement Issue 2018 | Page 4

[ C O N T E N T S C O N T. ] REGULARS 3 INSIDE VIEW | JOE PARSONS 6 People moves and news in clearing, collateral and settlement THE FIRST LOOK IN-DEPTH 5 Canadian group heralds instantaneous blockchain settlement success 10 First mover advantage Payments Canada, the Bank of Canada and TMX Group conclude that instantaneous equity settlement through distributed ledger technology is “feasible” N E W S A N A LYS I S 8 Collateral fears still loom large Concerns over sudden surges of collateral demands during volatile times have prompted buy-side to move to a direct model with the CCP. The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has been the first adopter of blockchain technology for its equity post-trade infrastructure. Will this move resonate with other clearing houses, and is this a time to embrace