Global Custodian Clearing and Settlement Issue 2018 | Page 29

[ M A R K E T R E V I E W | T 2 S ] T2S WAVES: A SUCESSFULL MIGRATION? WAVE 1 9 WAVE 2 6 WAVE 3 5 WAVE 4 7 WAVE 5 06.22.2015 months 03.28.2016 months 09.12.2016 months 02.06.2017 months 09.18.2017 ˜ ˜ BOGS ˜ ˜ Interbolsa ˜ ˜ Depozitarul ˜ ˜ NBB - SSS Central Romania ˜ ˜ Euroclear ESES (BE, FR, NL) ˜ ˜ VP LUX ˜ ˜ VP SECURITIES ˜ ˜ Malta stock exhange ˜ ˜ Cleastream Banking Frankfurt ˜ ˜ Iberclear ˜ ˜ Baltic CSDs ˜ ˜ OeKB CSD ˜ ˜ CDCP ˜ ˜ KDD ˜ ˜ KELER ˜ ˜ SIX SIS Ltd ˜ ˜ LUX CSD Monte Titoli (Wave 1b 08.31.2015) Euroclear Finland* *Euroclear Finland will not be able to migrate to T2S on the current date scheduled in September 2017 (alternative migration schedules to be evaluated) clients, our proposition is they are able to plug our tri-party into their existing trading account opened in one of our 27 local custodian branches across the globe, leveraging when applicable T2S features.” The aim will be to capitalise on en- hanced buy-side demands for collateral solutions, with the bank looking to use its global and sub-custody network to enter the tri-party market. “We want to make available the tri-party collateral management platform pools of assets that were previously trapped in local markets that were not eligible to tri-party,” said Patrick Colle, CEO of BNP Paribas Securities at a press briefing in October 2017. sub-custodian is getting in the tri-party collateral management space.” The introduction of the French bank to the market will be a challenge to the sta- tus quo that has existed for over a decade, with the tri-party space being dominated by BNY Mellon, Clearstream, Euroclear and JP Morgan. However, Grimonpont has welcomed the prospect of new entrants as it could not only encourage further tri-party activity, but also enhance interoperability arrangements between agent banks. “I hope that new entrants in the market will help to promote the use of triparty in Europe, and in order for everyone to benefit there will be a need to make sure “We want to make available the tri-party collateral management platform pools of assets that were previously trapped in local markets that were not eligible to tri-party.” PATRICK COLLE, CEO, BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES “Unlocking those local pools of collat- eral is only possible if you are not only a global custodian but also a multi-local sub custodian. This is the first time a local that the various pools of collateral can be interoperated between the different pro- viders, allowing users of one to allocate to users of another provider. Hopefully new entrants will help unlock some of the assets that are currently not usable as collateral in tri-party,” he adds. Certainly, the need for high-grade securities and collateral will be higher than ever thanks to regulation. The onset of the uncleared margin rules for OTC derivatives, which has had massive impli- cations on collateral and the processes by which firms obtain it. Both the buy- and the sell-side will look to their collateral managers and tri-party agents to provide efficiencies and the capabilities to mobilise and allocate col- lateral, being it in a T2S environment or outside the Eurozone. Reducing settle- ment instructions, promoting interoper- ability and tri-party standardisation will go a long way to solve collateral ineffi- ciencies. Furthermore, new initiatives being en- acted by ICSDs and the ECB are encour- aging as they will allow easier transfer of collateral across markets. T2S has shown how integrated sett lement and collateral activities are, and as more collateral pools continue to be unlocked by new struc- tures and new entrants, we may even see T2S volumes significantly increase. Summer 2018 29