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Research Report Covers Chenodeoxycholic Acid Market Size , Share Manufacturing , Production , Revenue and Forecast 2016 to 2021 : Market Study Report
Global Chenodeoxycholic Acid Industry 2016 Research Report was a professional and depth research report on Chenodeoxycholic Acid Market that you would know the world ' s major regional market conditions of Chenodeoxycholic Acid industry , the main region including the North America , Europe , Asia-Pacific , Middle East and Africa and Rest of World .
Chenodeoxycholic acid ( also known as chenodesoxycholic acid , chenocholic acid and 3α , 7α dihydroxy-5 ? -cholan-24-oic acid ) is a bile acid . It occurs as a white crystalline substance insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol and acetic acid , with melting point at 165-167 C . Salts of this carboxylic acid are called chenodeoxycholates . Chenodeoxycholic acid is one of the main bile acids produced by the liver .
Chenodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid are the two primary bile acids in humans . Some other mammals have muricholic acid or deoxycholic acid rather than chenodeoxycholic acid . Chenodeoxycholic acid is synthesized in the liver from cholesterol by a process which involves several enzymatic steps . Like other bile acids , it can be conjugated in the liver with taurine or glycine , forming taurochenodeoxycholate or glycochenodeoxycholate . Conjugation results in a lower pKa . This means the conjugated bile acids are ionized at the usual pH in the intestine and will stay in the gastrointestinal tract until reaching the ileum where most will be reabsorbed . Bile acids form micelles which facilitate lipid digestion . After absorption , they are taken up by the liver and resecreted , so undergoing an enterohepatic circulation . Unabsorbed chenodeoxycholic acid can be metabolised by bacteria in the colon to form the secondary bile acid known as lithocholic acid . Choendeoxycholic acid is the most potent natural bile acid at stimulating the nuclear bile acid receptor , farnesoid X receptor ( FXR ). The transcription of many genes is activated by FXR .
This report provides detailed analysis of worldwide markets for Chenodeoxycholic Acid from 2011-2015 and provides extensive market forecasts 2016-2021 by region / country and subsectors . It covers the key technological and market trends in the Chenodeoxycholic Acid market and further lays out an analysis of the factors influencing the supply / demand for Chenodeoxycholic Acid , and the opportunities / challenges faced by industry participants . It also acts as an essential tool to companies active across the value
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