Global Campus: Creative Writing Competition 2016 | Page 7
Creative Writing Competition 2016
Name: Dylan
School: Dover Court International School
Age: 14
Word count: 550
114. 114 successful missions. Sabotage, assassination, extraction of foreign prisoners, you name it; I’ve probably
done it. 114 times in the past eight years, as I embarked on my 115th mission I sat on the plane checking my guns to
see if they were loaded and working. I looked across to Black Knight who was quietly sharpening his double-edged
long sword not paying attention to anything. Snow Wolf on the other hand was chatting non stop about what we are
going to see or how many people we will kill, I stopped listening at that point.
Then the alarm and lights go off, we all stopped what we were doing, without a word passing between us, we knew
it was time for the mission. The bay doors opened and we stood up waiting for the lights to go green – no matter
how many times I have done this, I still feel somersaults inside, I have learned to distract myself by taking in my
surroundings. I can hear Knight’s heavy breathing and Wolf’s excited giggling, then the light turns green and we
all jumped out. I dropped to the ground and started running towards the objective. Command informed us that a
village in Syria is holding a traitor who has valuable “Intel”, that if divulged to our enemy could mean serious trouble
for our organisation.
We crawled up towards the village, scanning the area for our target. Knight saw him first. We all rushed to surround
the traitor. At that point I noticed that we were joined by our old comrade, “53”. “Freeze traitor!” Knight bellowed,
“Don’t try anything and get on your knees.”
Something was wrong I could see a glint in the traitor’s eyes as if he was planning something. Just then a nearby
explosion went off, as I turned around to look in shock and horror at the decimated village, I realised too late that
the traitor was gone!
“Where did he go?” shouted Wolf. Suddenly a bullet went straight through 53’s leg making him cry out in pain. I
turned in the direction of where the shot was fired and saw the traitor with a rifle. He wasn’t alone, he had been
joined by the local ISIS soldiers with guns fixed on us ready to fire if we dared to make a move.
Time slowed down and the world around me stood still. I can’t hear anything besides my heartbeat. I looked at my
comrades and I could tell that they all grinning behind their masks, ready for action. Surrender was not an option.
I rushed forward with my guns out and fired upon them before they could react. A bullet goes straight through one’s
head and another hits a soldier’s shoulder, then I roundhouse kicked him in the face effectively the whole suddenly
everything went chaotic. Wolf started shooting everyone with her M16 laughing like a mad hyena, Knight started to
cut them down with his sword and bashed them with his shield.
In the chaos, the traitor managed to slip away. I wasn’t going to let him get way that easily I eventually chased him
to a dead end in an alleyway, ignoring his pleas for mercy; I just walked up and fired my gun. I retrieved a USB from
his body. 115th mission Completed.