Global Campus: Creative Writing Competition 2016 | Page 3
Creative Writing Competition 2016
Name: Elena
School: Dover Court International School
Age: 9
Word count: 209
Learning to Fly
Once there was a little bird who thought that he could fly,
He asked his very pretty mum if he could have a try,
She said, “You’re being too ambitious!”
But the little bird, he got his wishes,
He tried and tried to take to the skies
But every time he failed.
His father said, “Really now, I think it’s time you bailed.”
He begged to have another go as a hero he’d be hailed,
His parents said, “The winds will blow,
Then you can have another go.”
He tried and tried to take to the skies
But every time he failed.
From nearby crows he sought some help but they were mean and bad,
To make them listen to his pleas, he jumped around like mad,
They said with glee, “You lack the knack!
Position your wings still further back,”
He tried and tried to take to the skies
But every time he failed.
Next night he left his bed alone to find the wise old owl,
He asked to watch him hunt with ease for succulent tasty fowl,
With all instructions in his head,
He left the safety of his bed,
His parents watched him take to the skies,
They called him down and said, “High Five!”