LinkedIn on LinkedIn impacting the talent org !
The LOL team continues to have a huge impact on the way new talent is being sourced at LinkedIn . So far in 2017 , we have impacted about 96 hires with 20,000 + applications . LinkedIn media is becoming a critical role in helping our recruiters identify , source , and hire talent at LinkedIn .
Here is a glowing testimonial the LOL TA team received about the effectiveness of media while hiring for key roles at LinkedIn :
“ When I started my role on January 2nd 2017 , we had no pipeline or sales talent waiting in the wings for the net new roles that opened up mid- January . I was faced with an extremely challenging situation . Not having top sales talent in seat was costing our business . Sales bring in ~ 3-5x their salary in revenue .”
Even one open job can be detrimental to our business and ultimately our company ’ s bottom line . In less than 2 weeks our recruiters received 242 qualified leads to our custom landing page resulting in a 25 % conversion rate . Our once empty pipeline grew overnight to 62 warm candidates that our recruiters are now in conversation .