GLO.ACT Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Approach | страница 2

As highlighted in the ICAT Issue Paper MEL is under-developed in relation to the global response to trafficking in persons and the same applies to smuggling of migrants. The assessment of outcomes relating to criminal justice capacity building is particularly complex. To date, strong emphasis internationally has been placed on the quantity (rather on the quality) of prosecutions as an indicator of progress, while training evaluations have tended to focus on trainee numbers, participant satisfaction and immediate knowledge change, rather than application of skills. Therefore, the monitoring and evaluation of training and other capacity-building activities includes a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods at different phases of implementation. These methods allow the project to move beyond existing indicators to look at changes in behaviour and consequent outcomes. This will include use of the Kirkpatrick Model, which looks to measure reaction, learning, behaviour and results through a three-stage approach: MONITORING CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES – WORKFLOW At the same time, the Outcome Monitoring Tool will allow the project team to capture steps they have taken to address common constraints to achievement of effective training outcomes. These include participant selection and subsequent rotation, legal and procedural issues, and resource availability. In terms of financial monitoring, GLO.ACT has developed a new budget structure aligned with the logical framework to ensure that reliable financial information can be accessed in an easier and timely manner. In addition, information related to fund release and expenditures is updated in GLO.ACT Smartsheet – dashboard, to allow for value-for-money analysis. A mid-term review and monitoring exercise and a final independent in-depth evaluation will be coordinated by UNODC and carried out involving the European Commission, UNODC, IOM, as well as project beneficiaries. The planning and the timing of the review and the final evaluation will be coordinated with the UNODC Independent Evaluation Section to ensure an impartial process in line with UNODC evaluation norms and standards.