GLO.ACT Exit and Sustainability Strategy

EXIT AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY This Exit and Sustainability Strategy aims to ensure that the results of GLO.ACT are sustainable in the longer-term. The project operates in a highly challenging environment to improve approaches to trafficking in persons (TIP) and smuggling of migrants (SOM) in the face of complex security, political, economic and social considerations, as well as competing demands on often very limited resources. Many of the solutions to the problems addressed by the project are thus inevitably long-term and unlikely to be fully sustainable within the project timeframe. GLO.ACT interprets sustainability in this context as: 1. Contributing to progressive achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly 16 – the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 2. Pursuing approaches that promote institutional change and can eventually be taken forward locally with available technical and financial resources. 3. Genuine engagement with key government and, as appropriate civil society key stakeholders, culminating in a clear plan for close-out or continuation of key activities at project exit. GLO.ACT is also committed to ensuring that sustainability is not interpreted in a way that limits longterm effectiveness in the response to TIP and SOM. The project’s approach is grounded in 7 inter-related principles as described in the following table. If possible, an assessment will take place 6-12 months following project completion to review the effectiveness of this strategy and identify opportunities for future improvement.