Glimpses Glimpses Volume 9 Issue 9 | Page 3

Visit of Goa Provincial

On 23rd February the Provincial of Goa, Fr. Anthony Silva, made a three day visit to Pilar Niketan. He planned his visit to meet the fathers and scholastics of his province. The scholastics gave him a grand welcome through their self composed song. His schedule included one to one talk with the members. On 24th morning he celebrated the Eucharist for the community. During the sermon he elaborated on the theme "faithfulness" by sharing his own life incidents. We sincerely thank Fr. Anthony for spending his time with us.

Rector's Day

On 28th February, our community gladly celebrated the Rector's day - Fr. Octavianho Da Cunha's birthday. The Eucharistic Celebration was scheduled at 7:15 pm and was presided by the birthday boy. In his sermon he reflected upon the various life experiences and people he came across. Thereafter, the whole community gathered in the portico for cake cutting and a festive meal. The cultural incharges put up a beautiful programme which comprised of an instrumental, video, a skit and a dance. Fr. Peter Fernandes Sr. spoke a few words of love and appreciation. A big thanks to all those who worked hard to make this day memorable.

Clothe the Naked

Inspired by the Jubilee Year of Mercy the scholastics of the Delhi Province took up the initiative to distribute clothes to the poor on the streets. The clothes for this drive were contributed by the brothers themselves who willingly gave up their unused clothes. The scholastics went to three different places in the city of Nagpur to render this service. The event was an eye-opener for us to understand the stark reality of poverty faced by the homeless. The smile brought to the faces of the needy was a source of deep joy for each one of us. The fathers appreciated the efforts of the scholastics and encouraged them to keep up the spirit of service and generosity towards the poor.