GLG 220 EDU Let's Do This / GLG 220 EDU Let's Do This / | Page 3

What information do fossils provide about past life on Earth? What information do fossils not provide? Can you identify parts of a house that are made from minerals and rocks? What parts and what specific minerals or rocks? Are there any of those parts that could not be made for the house without some form of minerals or rocks? Explain. Most gemstones, such as topaz, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds, have a common mineral property that makes them gemstones. What is this property? Is that property responsible for their economic value? Why or why not? =============================================== GLG 220 Week 1 Mineral Identification Worksheet (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Ch. 2 of the text, Virtual Minerals Lab, Mineral Identification Key II and Appendix 2 • Read the Introduction located via the Table of Contents,Section 1 at Mineral Society of America’s Mineral Identification Key II available at the following link: htm#Intro After reviewing the introduction return to Table of Contents and read about the Mineral physical property Hardness. • Conduct the hardness test of the Virtual Minerals Lab located in the Materials section of your student Web site. Record your answers in Appendix 2 - Part 1. • Review the additonal physical properties discussed in the resources above. Using the information gained from the concepts