Glamaour Era magazine Feb 2018 Glamaour Era Feb Edition | Page 6

N o idea where to begin? Talk with a trustworthy resource or fellow parent who has "been there." The honest and relatable vacation tips you'll receive are invaluable and can ease the planning process. For example, individuals thinking about planning a Disney vacation should visit, an online resource providing authentic answers to guests seeking advice from in-the-know panelists with years of vast experience. The panel, which recently announced the addition of 11 new moms, dads and grandparents, includes your next-door neighbors, your good friends, and above all else, seasoned vacationers you can count on for genuine advice when planning your next getaway to a Disney destination. The panel can give you a personalized response in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese. Y ou probably have a few ideas of where to go, but brainstorming destinations with your travel crew can provide helpful feedback and insight into everyone's interests. Maybe your best friends are making brunch a priority for your girlfriends' getaway. Or Grandma has a few "memory making" ideas for her vacation with the grandkids. Your ckle pre-teen even has a dream destination you might not know of, and your kindergartner is sure to throw a few ideas into the ring. After you make a list of everyone's thoughts, do some research online. Poke around travel websites, talk with other parents and search for guidance. With a little digging, you can nd experiences that appeal as much to your toddler as your teenager and even your best friend. The key is to make it a discussion, talk with others who are in the know and overall, enjoy helping you plan your escape. Whether you're going for a dream Disney vacation, planning a beach getaway, indulging in one-of-a-kind foodie experiences, (or all three!), there are plenty of places that grant everyone's wishes.