Glamaour Era magazine Feb 2018 Glamaour Era Feb Edition | Page 22

For American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) member Sarah Brooks, who was recently recognized for volunteering more than 35,000 hours in service to military veterans, those are hours spent offering fellowship, kindness and attention to those who made sacrices for our freedom. Brooks' decades-long dedication to the military community has helped hundreds of veterans in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, area. The veterans she serves have become her family, her lifeline and a blessing she never thought she would receive. HOW DID THE 91-YEAR- OLD COME TO DEDICATE HER LIFE TO SERVING OTHERS? "IT STARTS WITH A HELLO," BROOKS SAID. Brooks shares her time between a veterans home, ALA-sponsored events and a veterans rehabilitation center. "A hello can be the bridge to a great interaction and a wonderful memory. In my 59 years of volunteering, I can say I don't have a favorite memory from my volunteer efforts because every day is a new and beautiful experience," Brooks said. People can give back in many ways, such as donating material items like canned goods and clothes or offering nancial support. But giving time is one of the most unselsh actions we can perform. By becoming personally involved with others through volunteering, we have the opportunity to deliver simple acts of kindness that can help others nd healing, support and a new beginning. In addition, volunteering has real benets for the volunteer. It can provide a sense of fulllment that benets our minds and bodies. Studies have shown that people who volunteer live longer, healthier and happier lives.