Glamaour Era magazine Feb 2018 Glamaour Era Feb Edition | Page 19

TREND 3: SMART HOME UPGRADES You have a smartphone, smart watch and smart TV; it only makes sense that you also want to bring the convenience of technology into your remodeling projects with a smart home. Smart homes have been trending for some time, but in 2018 this trend could reach a tipping point thanks to wider availability and more affordable options. What used to cost thousands may now only cost hundreds, and you might be surprised how many DIY options you can now nd at your local home improvement store. Some of the most popular technological enhancements for the home include smart lighting controls that save energy and let you customize lighting in every room of your home. Smart door locks and security systems are also valuable additions. If you're looking for an affordable way to enter into the smart home market, consider a smart thermostat or smart smoke detector. Technology is bound to make your home more comfortable and safe while boosting the bottom line come sale time.