Glamaour Era magazine Feb 2018 Glamaour Era Feb Edition | Page 10

CLEAN AROUND YOUR HVAC With the heater on, be sure to clear the area around your HVAC unit to make sure there is nothing blocking the ow of air. Next, remember to swap out that lter for maximum effectiveness and change your lter every 90 days. TURN ON THE HUMIDIFIER Increasing the humidity in your home during the cooler months adds moisture to your air and living space. This raises the "heat index," making 68 degrees feel more like 76 degrees. If your house has low humidity, you may notice chapped lips, dry skin or a dry, sore throat. Be sure to maintain a relative humidity in the home between 20 and 40 percent. As the temperature outside drops, lower this percentage so condensation does not form on the windows. ADD EXTRA INSULATION TO ALL AREAS OF YOUR HOME Adding insulation to your home reduces energy usage and increases comfort. If your home uses less than 12 inches of insulation, chances are heat is escaping. Add insulation in the attic to prevent warm air from escaping. Also consider adding insulation in crawl spaces, under oors and against basement walls to stop the transfer of cold through the house. TAKE BACK YOUR CLEAN, FRESH HOME TODAY Tackling each of these simple projects will help you take on winter with a fresh, cozy home you and your family can enjoy. For more information, visit www.