Glamaour ERA
- Shut your exterior faucets off before the winter . - Check the batteries in your smoke detectors each month . - Clean your gutters . - Test your sump pump each spring . - Clean the coils under your refrigerator . - Make sure your attic , bathroom and kitchen fans are in working order .
Today , people are more focused on health and wellness than ever before . You know this because you are constantly �ooded with advice on what to eat , how ( and how much ) to exercise , and what to ask your doctors .
All of these things are important but what about the vital role the home plays in your healthy lifestyle ? As you prepare for another season of indoor living , it ' s time to ask : how can I improve the functionality , ef�ciency and health of my home ?
A healthy , safe and comfortable home is essential for those you love . When winter weather keeps you indoors , it ' s even more important .
Tackle a few home-health tips now and your family and guests will be comfortable now and any time of year . Review and handle these mustdo ' s , happy home style , today !
* Adhere to a maintenance schedule . Your body requires continuous maintenance to be at its best ; the same is true for your home . Simple tasks , done on schedule , can make your home a safer , more enjoyable place to live . Important items for your to-do list :
Cool Kids
These maintenance tasks are easy to tackle . Once done , they will help reduce dirt on your �oors and decrease any future mold risk .
* Clean up your air . Did you know indoor air can be �ve times dirtier than outdoor air ? Did you know it can include respiratory irritants and common allergens like mold spores , fungus , pollen , mites and pet dander ? Fortunately , these unappealing airborne invaders can be removed continuously by your home air �lter . All you need to do is change the �lter regularly , about every one to three months depending on your system . The problem - research shows up to 58 percent of us forget to do this regularly or simply don ' t !
Canopy , a new subscription-based air �lter service , addresses this clean air concern by providing its subscribers with the speci�c size and quali�cation air �lter they need . These �lters are provided on a speci�c schedule to save homeowners time , energy and money and to avoid a trip to a big box home care store . To learn more about how Canopy can help you improve the air quality in your home , visit canopyair . com .
* Make cleaning a family affair . A clean home is a happy , comfortable place everyone deserves but you don ' t need to do it all by yourself . Encourage your entire family to work together instead . Children of all ages can help out with chores matched to their skill level . Set family rules that maximize home care and minimize cleaning chores . For example : no food outside of the kitchen , picking up towels and wiping down surfaces after a shower and removing shoes upon entering from outdoors . Your home is your sanctuary and it should feel that way all the time . Apply the tips above today , and your home will be a happier , healthier place in no time .