glam grace glam grace | Page 10

Pregnant with grandiose expectation, poised in a position of travail, to birth a moment and bring forth NOW that affects todays and tomorrows. I hear the sound of your heartbeat racing as you read, skipping, moving freely, getting caught in your throat, your valley, your voice of decision.

Can you feel you? Can you feel the true you? After the corpse of yourself has been laid to rest, Can you feel you? After the wind has blown away the mask, the imposture has been exposed, and you've realize you're a fugitive that's been on the run from the start, to escape the destined purpose for your life.

Can you feel the love of Jesus! A love that's incomparable, incomputable, inexpressible inviting you to come! A love that's never ending yet ever reaching for you! A love letter that was documented over 2000 years ago, yet written before the beginning of time, sealed in the envelope of eternity, sent as an invitation of NOW, awaiting the RSVP of your spirit... Can You?

I don't hear the sound of "Will You"? I hear the voice of "Can You"?

Cristi Renea'