Glam 01 | Page 8


You surely have heard about anorexia and all the consequences that it carry to the ones that suffer it, but probably you don't know how serious it could be to the other's life, how much it can hurt others and also how mass media can be involved with this disorder.

First, it's important to understand that anorexia is a disorder characterized by immoderate food restriction, inappropriate eating habits or rituals, obsession with having a thin figure, and an irrational fear of weight gain, as well as a distorted body self-perception. People under this disorder tent to be very restricted with food to the point to create a diet based in consuming only 500 calories per day.

In a research, it was demonstrated that anorexia is nine times more often in women than men. It is associated with the social prototype of "perfect woman" that society has been creating to make girls never get satisfied with her selves. Clearly, this is a way to make the consumerism grow, because everyday, people will buy more things to approach that utopy that is "being perfect".

Now, it is important to mention that mass media has a big influence in this topic, because through social networks, websites, etc, bad people can make harm to others, or what is called "bullying". Unfortunately, there is people that feel pleasure destroying others life, telling them all their defects and making them feel like they were valueless. That's why is important to beware with who you are talking with through social networks, and report in any case that person is trying to underestimate you.

To conclude, never forget how awesome you are, you are a person full of qualities and good things to share to the world. Be confident with who you are, because nobody in this earth has the personality that you have. You are enough, never forget it.