Giving Back Magazine October 2018 | Page 72

Gala A Mid Night Summer’s Dream T he Athenaeum Music & Arts Library has a mission to provide library resources in music and the arts through hundreds of programs and events. Supporters of their efforts were in for a treat at their 29th annual gala, themed A Mid Night Summer’s Dream. The unforgettable evening brought Shakespearean fantasy to life with fitting décor, a parade, and much more. Ella, Wyatt, Annina, Barry, Erika and Fred All smiles E l Athenaeum Music & Arts Library tiene como misión el de ofrecer recursos musicales y artísticos de su biblioteca a cientos de programas y eventos. Quienes colaboran con sus esfuerzos se reunieron para disfrutar de su 29° gala anual bajo la temática de Sueño de una Noche de Verano. La inolvidable velada hizo cobrar vida a la fantasía shakesperiana con un decorado acorde, desfile y mucho más. Debra Waterford, Ralph Lundberg and Ginny Black 72 GBSAN.COM | OCTOBER 2018 Ellen Phelan, Raul Guerrero and Kelly Sullivan O T Mark and Madeline Gartner