Making life healthier
nti-oxidants fight inflammation which can cause heart
disease and cancer. It is important to not only eat
healthy, but to eat as many foods as possible that
contain antioxidants. By adding these foods to your
regular diet, you can reduce your risk of many diseases.
Many green, plant-based foods contain antioxidants.
Spinach, bell peppers, Brussel sprouts, beets and broccoli
are among the highest antioxidant-filled vegetables you
can eat. Steaming vegetables is better to maintain the
antioxidants. You should use very little water to cook them
and add some spices, such as thyme and rosemary, which
can increase the antioxidant levels.
Dark chocolate
For those of us who love chocolate, this is great news.
However, it is important to make sure you eat dark chocolate,
not milk chocolate, which is loaded with sugar
and has a smaller amount of cacao. Try one
that has 75 to 80 percent cacao which
is highest in magnesium, zinc, and
other minerals. Dark chocolate
is one of the highest
antioxidant foods
you can eat and
has many health
benefits. However, like
everything else, make sure
you consume it in moderation.
Strawberries, Cranberries and Blueberries
These are some