Brenda Chand, Kristi Pieper
and Kathryn Vaughn
usan G. Komen San
Diego brought together
over 350 attendees
demonstrating what
it means to be More
Than Pink. Attendees included
business leaders in San Diego,
philanthropists and business
such as Anderson Plumbing,
Heating & Air who are passionate
about the fight against breast
cancer. Guests enjoyed a cocktail
reception featuring experiential
art, scientific exhibitions and
a pink pop-up shop to ensure
everyone is donning their pink for
the evening.
Lynne Doyle and
Mae Geren
Bryan Rominger and
Mary Jean Anderson
Katherine Stuart and
Mayor Kevin Faulconer
Tabby Nightingale and
Barbara Ostroff
52 GBSAN.COM | JULY 2019
Eva Tutic and Joseph
Alexis Gray, Lilian Vanvieldt-Gray
and Douglas Gray
usan G. Komen San
Diego reunió a más
de 350 personas
para demostrar lo
que significa ser
More Than Pink. Entre los
presentes se encontraban
líderes empresariales de San
Diego, filántropos y empresas
como Anderson Plumbing,
Heating & Air que son
movilizadas por la pasión de
la lucha contra el cáncer de
mama. Quienes participaron
del evento disfrutaron de
una recepción con cócteles
donde se pudo apreciar arte
experiencial, exhibiciones
científicas y un pink pop-up
shop para asegurar que todos
puedan hacer su parte en el
evento rosa.