Giving Back Magazine January 2019 | Page 8

Salud NEW YEAR, NEW YOU B Y A N G E L I C A G AVA L D O N T he New Year always gives us the opportunity for a start fresh and motivates us to lead a healthier life. There are so many ways that you can boost your health and fitness levels whether you are already in shape or are just starting out. Here is a list of tips and workouts you can do to make this your fittest year yet: Bootcamp: I have not found a trainer or a class that I felt pushed me enough, until I discovered this workout. During the class, you alternate from floor exercises to the treadmill and the music and trainers push you to always do better. Two years later and it is very rare that I miss a class and I have never felt leaner or stronger. I only recommend this class for those who are really into working out and are serious about getting in better shape. Hot Yoga: I like hot yoga because it really pushes your muscles to stretch a bit beyond your normal capacity. If you are already a yoga enthusiast and want to push yourself a bit more, try hot yoga. It’s a grueling one hour and 30-minute workout that I dread, but my body thanks me for it. Walking & Running: If you really want to drop pounds and melt fat, cardio is the way to start. If you are not a runner you can start by walking one hour a day. If you do not have the time to do this, then set different times during the day that you can do 10 to 15 minutes and make it your goal to do at least one hour a day. When you feel yourself starting to get in better shape, begin jogging and eventually running. Be patient with yourself! Invest in a fitness tracker: If you have an office job or just sit around a lot, I recommend you invest in this device that counts your steps. 10,000 steps a day is recommended for the average person. The great thing about a fitness tracker is that it keeps you accountable. Eat more greens: Try adding something healthy every meal. If you are an egg person, add veggies to your omelet. Smoothies more your thing? Add spinach or any other green vegetable. Have more salads and look up recipes that include vegetables. There are so many options and delicious foods that are healthy. I hope these tips help you improve your well-being. Have a happy New Year!! 8 GBSAN.COM | JANUARY 2019