Giving Back Magazine April 2020 | Page 42

Page Tab 36TH ANNUAL CHILDREN’S CHARITY GALA A Magical SATURDAY, MAY 2 · 2020 U S G R A N T H OT E L RSVP BY APRIL 24, 2020 PRESENTED BY SAN DIEGO F LU I D S Y S T E M T E C H N O LO G I E S 619. 4 4 6 . 2116 M Y. N E I G H B O R . O R G / G A L A A Brighter Future for Children in Need Father Joe’s Villages Children’s Charit y Gala benefits programs that ser ve children and families experiencing homelessness. Ever y child deser ves a happy and healthy life. That’s why Father Joe’s Villages’ Therapeutic Childcare Center is dedicated to preparing children experiencing homelessness and pover t y for success. The program integrates ser vices that address behavioral, developmental, medical and dental needs—all in one location. The Therapeutic Childcare Center of fers families experiencing homelessness 42 GBSAN.COM | APRIL 2020 qualit y, af fordable licensed childcare. With the assurance that their children are in good hands, parents are free to look for employment and permanent housing. Additionally, their children have access to a safe and suppor tive environment to learn and play—essential activities for the healthy development of a child. Coupled with Father Joe’s Villages’ housing and ser vices for families, our Therapeutic Childcare Center’s comprehensive ser vices help build strong families, healthy, confident children and a brighter future.