been gifted a replica of Michelangelo’s Pietà, and restored a
historic place on campus in honor of Parents in Prayer founder,
board member and alumna parent, Martha McRoskey, so
naming it, the Martha McRoskey Place of Peace.
The official installation of The Butterfly Project, which was
founded at the San Diego Jewish Academy, shares space
with the Pietà. OLP students have been participating in The
Butterfly Project through the academic course “Examining the
Holocaust Through Literature.” This artistic and educational
project memorializes the 1.5 million children who perished in
the Holocaust and honors the survivors with each butterfly.
The Pietà and The Butterfly Project are joined together in the
Martha McRoskey Place of Peace, which serves as an interfaith
sacred space in honor of the work of the school’s founders,
their charism of “unifying love,” and mission “that they all may
be one,” which is very alive today in thought and action.
This is the first of several intentional faith installations
throughout campus as part of their Boundless Campaign
Rabbi Jeremy Gimbel and Bishop
John Dolan in front of the Pieta at the
Martha McRoskey Place of Peace
renovation. Although the project will see a 30,000-square-
foot renovation of the historical buildings incorporating ADA
accessibility, new classrooms and a state of the art science
and innovation lab, central to everything is the story of their
CSJ charism and their mission.
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