Reading Partners
Reading Partners mobilizes communities
Fort Worth Schools locations: Como
to provide students with the proven,
Elementary After School Program, Dolores
individualized reading support they need
Huerta Elementary School, Edward J.
to read at grade level by fourth grade.
Briscoe Elementary, Uplift Meridian,
Worth Heighs Elementary
Reading Partners believes that all children
deserve the opportunity to succeed.
Senior Volunteer Coordinator:
Through their strong partnerships with
Marcela Gonzalez | 214.390.2914
school districts, including Dallas ISD, Fort
[email protected]
Worth ISD, Uplift, and KIPP, as well as
community partners such as the United
Donation Items requested: Preferably new
Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Commit!, and
or gently-used children's books for
the Rainwater Charitable Foundation,
students in grades K-4. Since they are
they’re working to ensure that all students
serving in schools, cannot take books with
in north Texas – no matter their
religious or political messages.
background – have the opportunity to lead
happy, healthy, and successful lives