GirlGI | Girl Gone International Issue 9 | Page 59

was capable of. If he was willing to behave like this out in the open, what might follow? In a brief but terrifying thought, should I be thankful that he was only touching himself and not me? I was frozen to my seat and could hear my own pleading thoughts ‘Please don’t come any closer, please stop, please don’t come near me.’ 2 | Anger I cannot express the anger I felt for this man. It wasn’t down an alleyway, I wasn’t out at 4am wearing a mini-skirt and intoxicated, I was fully covered and heading home for an early night. While under no circumstance is being out late and intoxicated an invitation to this behaviour, I am aware that sadly there are certain steps to minimise the risk of being in this situation. 3 | Bargaining Quickly after my fury of the situation, I realised that I did not know what this man