GirlGI | Girl Gone International Issue 9 | Page 30

My university bachelor in Sport Management sent me to Lima, Peru travelling for the first time. A small group of university students joined together to help educate teachers, coaches and government officials about the importance of teachings through sport. It was incredible to really be able to feel the difference for the first time rather than creating mock versions of similar projects behind a desk. I then travelled to Thailand to study tourism and the environment. This was the most eye opening and educational course I had ever taken. We were forced to push limits, we would explore the most touristic destinations, from riding elephants in the circus to snorkelling the dead reefs of Kho Phi Phi. We would then explore the hidden local villages and environmental conservation areas to compare and contrast these different types of tourism. I am now a freelance travel blogger, content creator and social media manager. I travel the globe engaging in new life experiences and hoping to help make a difference not just through the work that I carry out, but to share my learnings and tips with the world on my blog Give for Granted.