GirlGI | Girl Gone International Issue 8 | Page 47

1. Freakonomics Radio Hosted by the writers of the Freakonomics 2. Slate Culture Gabfest 3 hosts discuss 3 current culturally relevant 3. Overdue 2 completely normal dudes choose a book and talk 4. 5. book, the podcast looks at the hidden side of everything. Exploring everyday or unusual questions from a purely economic perspective such as whether tipping should be banned, how important your name is for potential career success and what is the ‘best’ exercise. If you like this you might like : Radiolab topics, from Cheryl Strayed´s ¨Wild¨ being snubbed by the Oscars to octogenarian Joan Didion being the face of an advertising campaign to the world´s reaction to Charlie Hebdo. If you like this you might like : NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour about it. There will be spoilers, but these are books you really should have read by now. Topics include old-school favorites like ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ modern classics such as ‘In Cold Blood’, Dr. Seuss books, and new bestsellers like ‘Gone Girl,’ and ‘50 Shades of Grey.’ If you like this you might like : Book Riot The Moth ‘True Stories Told Live’ is the theme and is an on-stage live production so you could potentially watch a performance in person. The storytellers are given a topic which they have previously prepared and formulated using their own words to share their true stories with the audience - some recent themes include cold, blunders and perseverance. If you like this you might like : The Story Collider Here Be Monsters If you enjoyed the Serial podcast (no-brainer), these podcasts equally captivate. It might not be the most uplifting – ‘Do Crows Mourn the Dead?’ , ‘How I Learned to Love Rejection’ – but it´s definitely one of the more stirringly philosophical ones. If you like this you might like : NPR’s Invisibilia