GirlGI | Girl Gone International Issue 7 | Page 22

TRAVEL & ADVENTURE TRAVELLING alone for a year completely changed me as a person. I am more confident and have an intense love for seeing new places and meeting new people. Things that used to be important to me, seem less significant after experiencing how happy people are with just the basic necessities. I don’t care about buying the latest phone or purse or taking weekend vacations just to sit at the hotel pool. I see ‘vacation’ as a month or two backpacking around Asia, drinking tea and chatting with locals in the street. It’s not for everyone, but I’m so glad that I found my passion – travelling the world with optimism. RTW TIPS FROM DANNI 1. Go with the flow Flights get cancelled, trains are overbooked, shit happens. Don’t waste your energy getting upset. Look at these situations as an adventure, and an opportunity to discover something that you wouldn’t have otherwise. My flight from North India to South India was cancelled an hour before departure. I hopped in a tuktuk, went back to the hostel and joined some new friends on an incredible 2 week trip through parts of Northern India instead. I made lifelong friends and amazing memories! 2. Don’t make plans too far in advance I booked my first RTW plane ticket from start to finish before I even left the States. This meant I had to backtrack to Africa a few months after I had already been there to go on a camping trip through Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. I thought it would be safer to have my flights sorted but it really limited my traveling. You will get invited to travel with people, hear of new fantastic places that you must see or fall in love and want to stay longer in a certain place. Be flexible, book parts of your trips one by one. You can’t even imagine the way your journey will unfold for you.