GirlGI | Girl Gone International Issue 6 | Page 26
Sitting on the roof of a house
in post-tsunami Indonesia in 2004, Kelsey
Hoppe thought, ‘What a strange profession,
chasing human misery around the world.’
Hoppe was speaking of her experience as an
international aid worker, one of the countless individuals who head out to places and
into situations most of us only hear about
on the news.
Now at the Pakistan Humanitarian Forum,
a membership organization of international
NGOs providing humanitarian aid in Pakistan, Hoppe has worked in various humanitarian and development roles in places like
Sudan, Uganda, Indonesia and the Ukraine.
Her most recent professional venture includes publishing an anthology of essays by
women working in the field of international
humanitarian aid. Girl Gone International
got in touch with Kelsey to find out more
about her book and work in general, and to
ask for her advice for other women hoping
to delve into the exciting, but often misunderstood, field of humanitarian aid.